Gone Wandering Thirteen || Original Painting || Framed
Gone Wandering Thirteen || Original Painting || Framed
Painting details:
Gouache Painting on canvas, 10 x 10cm in size including frame. Scottish Beech Mini Frame.
Frame included in price and is permanently attached so cannot be removed, comes fitted with attachments ready to hang on the wall.
"Gone Wandering Thirteen" is an original painting that captures the essence of Scotland's iconic Glencoe during the vibrant season of spring. This original painting transports viewers to a world of natural wonder and serenity, where the rugged beauty of the Scottish Highlands meets the delicate renewal of life that spring brings.
Every frame is hand made in the highlands and is custom made for each painting. This means we choose the wood by colour and grain to decide which painting it will go with.
All the wood used in our frames is sourced from a social enterprise sawmill that specializes in the supply of Scottish Hardwoods.
Postage Included in Price for UK Customers, International Orders postage will be applied at checkout: Will be sent Special Tracked Delivery.