Gift ideas for Hikers and Campers
So you’ve got an adventure lover on your gift list this year? Well we have got you covered from the gifts themselves to the giftware to wrap them in.
Shopping for the perfect outdoor gift can be tricky, especially if you aren’t familiar with the slightly confusing world of outdoor gear. The best place to start is to think about what area of the outdoors they are interested in, if there is multiple pick one and start there. Let's say Hill Walking for our first example:
The most common gift for hill walkers is socks ( you could have probably guessed that right? ) As a hill walker myself I can safely say it's a great gift, it will get plenty of use and appreication but why not get them something a little bit more unique this time, like a hill walking mug.
Filled with illustrations of a kit list; everything they may need for a hike ahead, which is great for that morning cuppa before a day out on the hill.
And no one can every have too many mugs !
Lets not forget about the campers too, this enamel mug is perfect to take away on any camping adventure, its lightweight and enamel so don't have to worry about it breaking and is also filled with beautiful illustrations based on camping:
With wrapping paper to match to really show the adventurer in your life how much you care. Hopefully these are a couple of suggestions to help you get started on your search, also check out our Happy Camper and Take me to the mountains collections for more products, greeting cards and wrapping papers perfect for that adventurer in your life.
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