2022 What's To Come For Discover and Draw
Wow I cannot believe 2021 is over, what a year it was, a real mix bag of emotions. Lots of amazing business growth and development, time out on the hill bagging more munro and getting some climbing done, alongside some difficult times. Heart break over wedding being postponed for the second time, missing out on big moments for our friends and family and many days of lockdown.
However here we are starting a new year fresh and I am feeling very motivated, I have a lovely feeling about 2022. This year is going to be the year for refinement, celebration, family, friends and smashing these big business dreams of mine.
I am amazed by how much Discover and Draw grew in 2021 and it's safe to say we have outgrown Etsy and we need our own place to flourish, which is what I hope I have created within discoveranddraw.co.uk, a one stop stop for all your outdoor inspired home and giftware needs.
Creating the website was my biggest goal for 2022 so to launch it on the 1st of February will be an amazing start to the year, I hope to continue and grow as an artist and as a business and showcase it all on here at Discover and Draw. I have a few new project ideas in the making alongside focusing this year on refining all of the collections further that already exists as I feel there is still so much more they can give. Including expanded greeting card range such as; thank you, thinking of you, congratulations and many more card themes and many more exciting homeware developments too.
I cannot wait to share this journey with you and am so grateful for your support and for you taking the time to read this. I hope you're having a lovely day.
With love,
Lilli at Discover and Draw